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A Little White Crochet Dress

"Use your words to lift up and not bring down, to encourage and not discourage, to build up and not tear down, to speak life not death, to spread love not hate, to spread positivity not negativity. May the words of your mouth be pleasing before God’s sight!" - Malita


When I started working on this post, I was just thinking about the power of words. I don’t think most of us realize the power that our tongue holds and most of the times, we speak death over our lives instead of life. I just wanted to take a moment to encourage you guys to take special care into each word that you speak; may you always remember to speak things into existence and speak life over each situation in your life.

I also wanted to take a moment to congratulate my sister and photographer, Versiclor Closet on being featured on The Wendy Williams Show yesterday as the #FanofTheDay! Congratulations my love, you deserve it!!

On another note, you can purchase this little white crochet dress from Nastygal, which is currently going for 50% off. A little white or black dress is always perfect for date night or night out with friends. It’s a definite must have in your closet.

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 Photo Credit: Versicolor Closet

Outfit Details

Dress - Nastygal // Bag - Macys - Anne Klein // Shoes - Local Boutique


Until next time, stay blessed!
