Four Songs to Help You Get Through the Week
“He shows up in His fullness when you praise Him from your emptiness, because that is when you truly have room for Him.
Yesterday was Labor Day and for most of us, that meant that we had a day off. As we start this short work week, here are four of my favorite songs to help you get through the week. I’m so passionate about worship music because it is the quickest way to usher yourself into the presence of God.
I love this song because it’s the perfect reminder to be grateful. Once you take thanks out of your life, you become discouraged and discontent. Let’s start off the week with a grateful heart. Since discovering Maverick City this year, I have been obsessed with their music. Maverick is a community of solo artists that come together to worship. Check out a few more of their songs on YouTube.
2.) Prince of Peace – Hillsong United
I know that we are living in unprecedented times but in the midst of these trying times, it’s important to not let the enemy steal our peace. It’s important to remind our hearts to be still and remember who sits on the throne. This song is so dear to my heart. The day my water broke at 19 weeks, I had to spend the night at the hospital, not knowing if the girls were going to come out. I was terrified. I was scared to pee. In the midst of the storm, I had this song on repeat.
3.) The Blessing – Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes
This song is taken straight out of Numbers 6:24-26, which is a prayer of blessing that says: “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” May God abundantly bless you and your children, and their children, and their children!
4.) Graves Into Gardens – Elevation Worship
Ah this song! I pray that everyone reading my blog will one day get to really experience God for themselves. This song is a great reminder of how God can turn morning to dancing, turn shame into glory, give beauty for ashes, turn bones into armies…because He is the only one that can.
About My Outfit:
This outfit is the epitome of old lol! I’ve had this top for many years that I don’t even remember where I got it from. The jeans are old too. Sometimes I find clothes in my closet that I’ve had for years but they still look new because they are barely worn.
This peplum yellow top is one of my favorite. Previously, I’ve styled it with shorts here and with a skirt here. I just love the contrast of yellow and pink - it’s definitely one of my fave color combos. The shoes are from Zara and they are currently sold out Asos has something slightly similar here..
Thank you for stopping by; have a blessed day!